would those prevent SceneMerge from working? I also tried creating a new Unity Project (to take my project scene's script error bugs out of the picture), importing SceneMerge's sample scene, running that, saving, making a snapshot, making a cube invisible, resaving, and comparing with the snapshot, and once again it just did nothing. You need to be sure the external tool path and required parameters are correct. Plastic just try open the external merge tool based on the configured parameters. Another factor is the project I imported this into has other script errors, from some other programming bugs that got checked into the project. From the Plastic GUI -> Preferences, you can configure the external merge tools (eg: UnityYAMLMerge). but so far all I'm dealing with is pure frustration. It's also very late at night, so maybe I'm missing something here. I'm a seasoned programmer of 10 years, but I am new to Unity - so there could be some Unity bugs / gotchas that I'm not aware of. However, I set the script to run the "C:\Program Files (x86)\Beyond Compare 3\BCompare.exe" instead (since I'm a Beyond Compare guy) and after saving and compiling, even closing and reopening Unity, comparing with the snapshot still does nothing. At first this was because I don't have WinMerge installed. I can take a snapshot, however, comparing with the snapshot simply does nothing. Rulesets and options provide for customized appearance and behavior.

#Best diffmerge for unity youtuibe windows
Finally, after restarting my computer, opening the Sample scene, and running it, the diffing options appeared under the menu->File menu. Right-click on any two files in Windows Explorer to diff them immediately. (Btw, I'm running Unity 4.5 on Windows 7.) First of all, after importing it into my project, I could not find it under the Window tab. So I just purchased SceneMerge, and I'm getting some very strange behavior.

Requires Unity 3.5.0 or better with the Force Text option on for Asset serialization. Version 1.4 - Added post processors for automatic scene and prefab sorting Version 1.3 - Added support for comparing with SVN changes Version 1.2 - Support for comparing prefabs Version 1.1 - Initial project setup for comparing scenes This package requires Unity 3.5.0 or better since that's when "Force Text" was added as a serialization option.Ģ) If you have any scenes that are still hard to compare, please send me the snapshot and the sort file.
#Best diffmerge for unity youtuibe download
Where xcode is a free download in the Mac App Store. In the video, I'm using the free Winmerge tool from. For the time being, use your favorite diff tool. In the Unity Google Hangout #2 (18:38), Chuguleh asks "has a lot of scenes and objects where it's difficult near impossible to diff and merge them together" plans to make this better are planned for 4.X, where SceneMerge gives you this functionality in 3.X and later. Although they claim you may run into conflicts, which is what I see often, and by preparing scenes and prefabs in a certain way you can mitagate most of that trouble. In the Unity Google Hangout #1 (39:30), someone asks "would it be possible to merge scenes in team server?" and this package would fit that need.

Or maybe you lost a whole day worth of changes in a merge conflict. If you have many people editing your scene, you may have felt pain. It's not that I don't believe what you are saying, I just think that the workaround you are applying is masking what is really occurring and that you should investigate more fully and report it to Unity.Basically it prepares your scene for easy comparison in your favorite diff tool. That will cause those errors if there are merge conflicts in any of those files, but none of the other ones that I could find. The only files it does open across "all" projects are ProjectSettings.asset and ProjectVersion.txt files for every project that is in the recently opened projects, when the select project dialog opens on launch. I did attempt to myself, even injected the usual <<<<<< in various assets and meta files across multiple test projects and it did not access any of them. You can check what files it opens on launch with, if you see anything unexpected then report the bug. If it does in any way, that is a serious bug, you should reproduce and report it, as something is very not right. Click to expand.Unity really does not handle meta files between projects and it is not really supposed to touch files outside the project you are opening either.